Over the last several years, Covid-19 has created disruptions in nearly every aspect of health care, including health care decision-making and delivery.
Among other things, Covid-19 underscored a lesson about health care: the behaviors of organizations, clinicians, patients, and the public can play key roles in dictating personal and public health outcomes.
The VSSL team has been driving insight related to Covid-related health care and health issues. This includes serving as resources for pandemic-related information in local, national, and international news outlets. For instance, Director Dr. Joshua Liao spoke with UW Medicine about the role of behavioral nudges in Covid-19 vaccination and implications of Covid-19 vaccine policy changes.
Dr. Joshua Liao shares some thoughts about nudges and Covid-19 vaccinations
(UW Medicine, July 2021)
Dr. Joshua Liao shares some thoughts about FDA approval of the first Covid-19 vaccine
(UW Medicine, August 2021)
VSSL team members are working in several ways to address understanding about Covid-19 vaccines. For example, team members are working on an interdisciplinary project to address vaccine confidence in collaboration with UW College of Engineering and School of Computer Science and Engineering.
Dr. Liao also joined the Washington Department of Health to disseminate information about Covid-19 and Covid-19 vaccines.
Dr. Joshua Liao shares some thoughts about age and Covid-19 vaccines
(Washington Department of Health, December 2021)
Dr. Joshua Liao discusses immunity after Covid-19 infection and vaccines
(Washington Department of Health, December 2021)
Separately, the VSSL team has been fortunate to contribute thought leadership to Covid-related payment, delivery, and decision-making issues, including the following (for more information on specific articles or topics, please visit our Team page and contact individual VSSL members directly):
To Re-Open Health Care, Leaders Should Address Patient Fear
New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst
Joshua Liao, Peter Pronovost, Amol Navathe
Psychology - Not Science Or Politics - Will Determine A Successful Reopening For America
Joshua Liao
Here’s How Behavioral Science Can Help Curb Skyrocketing Coronavirus Cases
Joshua Liao
Incorporating Test Characteristics Into SARS-CoV-2 Testing Policy—Sense and Sensitivity
JAMA Health Forum
Leah Marcotte & Joshua Liao
Saving the economy means reopening wisely and changing minds
Philadelphia Inquirer
Joshua Liao & Amol Navathe
Social Determinants Among Communities Receiving Early COVID-19 Relief Funds
Leonard Davis Institute
Joshua Liao & Amol Navathe
How Framing Coronavirus Risks Impacts A State’s Willingness To Reopen Its Economy
Joshua Liao
Barring visitors from hospitals can worsen patient care during COVID
Philadelphia Inquirer
Amol Navathe & Joshua Liao
To Beat COVID, Address Primary Care Payment
MedPage Today
Joshua Liao
After COVID-19, A Payment Policy Reboot: Three Lessons From The Pandemic On How To Improve Value-Based Payment
Health Affairs Blog
Amol Navathe & Joshua Liao
Fixing This Cognitive Bias Can Improve How We Treat Each Other During The Coronavirus Pandemic
Joshua Liao
Revise Covid-19 Relief-Fund Decisions to Target Disparities
The Seattle Times
Joshua Liao & Amol Navathe
Focus on Telehealth Before and After Hospitalization
Sheridan Reiger, Ashok Reddy, Joshua Liao
ACP Hospitalist
How to Combat Covid-19 Apathy
Joshua Liao
Using Innovation to Navigate Waves of COVID-19 Resurgence
Journal of the American College of Radiology
Joshua Liao
Why We Should Resist Over-Optimism About Covid-19
Joshua Liao
Biden's COVID-19 strategy should prioritize low-income communities like Philly's
Philadelphia Inquirer
Joshua Liao & Amol Navathe
Why Prior Experience Can Blind People to Covid-19's Thanksgiving Risks
Joshua Liao
COVID-19 Recovery Will Involve Strategy, Not Just Operational Effectiveness
Journal of the American College of Radiology
Joshua Liao
Undecided on getting a Covid-19 Vaccine? Beware of These Two Cognitive Biases
Joshua Liao
A Rapid Mobilization of "Virtual" Primary Care Services in Response to COVID-19 at Veterans Health Administration
Healthcare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation
Ashok Reddy, Eric Gunnink, Stefanie Deeds, et al.
How to Avoid Mental Blind Spots When Thinking About Covid-19 Vaccine Risks
Joshua Liao
How Telehealth Can Enable New Care Management Strategies In Alternative Payment Models
Health Affairs Blog
Amol Navathe & Joshua Liao
How Your Brain Might Trick You Into Thinking Covid Vaccines Are Riskier Than They Really Are
Joshua Liao
Using Telehealth to Enhance Current Strategies in Alternative Payment Models
JAMA Health Forum
Joshua Liao & Amol Navathe
Covid-19 Vaccine Lotteries Might Work for the Short-Term, But They Could Ultimately Backfire
Joshua Liao
Want To Make In-person School Safer in the Fall? Use Lessons from Behavioral Science
Joshua Liao
Why Vaccinate People Should Wear Masks Indoors for the Foreseeable Future
Joshua Liao
Persuading People to Get Vaccinated for Covid-19 Means Understanding Why They aren't
Joshua Liao
Why We Need to Change How We Talk about Covid-19 Vaccines
Joshua Liao
Will FDA Approval Increase Covid-19 Vaccination? That Depends on These 3 Things
Joshua Liao
Why Covid-9 Travel Bans Can Do More Harm Than Good
Joshua Liao
Best Practices for an Equitable Covid-19 Vaccination Program
New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst
Ashok Reddy (Beste LA, et al).